JCO -joyello e la sua cheesy orchestra



JCO è su:

Frankie's story starts shortly after the last war, when tired of government handouts, Salvatore Parisi decided to leave his hometown of Lentini and emigrate to New York City.
Some years later, against her wishes, Salvatore's daughter, Rosa Parisi, married the local small time mafia boss Amedeo Amore, the alleged father of the child she was four months pregnant with.
Frankie Amore was born in Brooklyn.
As a kid he alternated bass guitar and trumpet lessons with spells in the Terrace Place reformatory for burglary and various petty rackets.
During a two week trip to Sicily in search of his roots Frankie ran into Fernando Delicado Saõ Tanburo. The result was a wild, explosive friendship that launched numerous musical voyages including the justly famous Zucche Vuote and the Blind Tamarindoes. Few would disagree though that the formation of the Cheesy Orchestra has seen this formidable duo reach an unprecedented high.

Frankie left JCO in late 2001 replaced by Jacopino "Pantazio" Da'Pastrengo. Now Frankie is working down at Knitting Factory (NYC). You can find him at: t.mas@juno.com
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